Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Memoir Bday
Dh 25 kali ak smbut bday..tak la sume bday ak ingt n tak la sume bday mgembirakan. Tp hari ni ak terasa nk review blik ape yg prnh terjadi spnjg ak smbut bday
Dr umur 0bln smpi 8thun serius shit ak tk ingt ape2..
Masa umr 9 thun, my mom organize a big bday party for my sis n i..the bestes thing, we have a big cake with BOOK design..very dh takde dh gmbr nye..masa tu mana ada fondant2 ni cream cake je lah..mmg pnuh krim nye smpi naik a cake lover, ak ngap jek..that year I got so many bday present and 1 thing that I have till now is my necklace..from ibu syg..ada nama ak k tats tu..idayu..knp idayu? Sngkatan kepada aida Rohayu…klu tlis Aida Rohayu pnjg pulak, mkin mhai la rntai tu kelak..
Pastu yg aku ingt masa umur 15 thun..bday ak masa tu hr sbtu..n kitorg ada tusyen kat lah form 3 kn..kena la gigh study..masa tu ada leena, shaheera, fara asmira..hmm mmg geng2 ak lah tu..class tusyen tu kat lab masa tu..lab punya blackboard 2 lapis atas bwh..masa clas nk mula, board tub leena ckp kat ak, ‘Aida, suh cikgu tarik papan itam tu..tak nmpk la’.. ak pun ‘cikgu, tarik ppn itam tu ke bawah, tak nmpk tulisan cikgu’..cikgu tarik, and kat papan itam blakang tu tertulis la ‘HEPI BDAY AIDA’.. so sweet la u all gurls..merah2 pink2 la muka ak masa tu..
Masa umur 16, first time celebrate w/o fmily..ak dh duk MRSM masa tu. Ak sebilik dgn Kak su, Kak Eni, Kak Liza n Khal..these gurl are very girlish..i like u ols tau..cyg n rindu sgt2..masa 12hb mlm tu, ak tido awal dlm keadaan sedey jgk la..mngenang kn fmily yg kat hostel biasa la, Jr.2 masa lights off kena bdiri row call. Baca asma-ul-husna tgh sedap ak tido tu, khal kejut..da, bgun, baca Yasin..ak tgh pisat2 compuse2 ni, knp baca Yasin tbe2? T gigih gk la g toilet amik air smayang..masuk bilik blik tgk diorg dh pasang kek n lilin n nyanyi beramai2..terharu-biru kan sbnrnye ptg tu ak dh ternmpk dh kek tu kat tepi loker kak su..hahahha..80% surprise la kan
Pastu, thun2 yg len, sume biasa2 tetap diraikan oleh my FIRST LOVER..Amri Yasin..Thanks a lot..make me happy for almost 5 years..
Then masa thun 2008..this time I’m already work..i have hanif at this time but we almost break down..cnta terlarang..sbb die bkal ditunang kn dgn gfren die..ak ni jek yg very degil nk jgk kat die..masa tu br 10hb die dtg dgn EX-5 die tu..n die bwk berita yg sgt sedey..die kata die dh dpt keje baru,,kat perak n die akn ke sna mgu depan..die tau die tak smpt nk tgu bday ak, so die bg hdiah tu awl sikit..dlm box tu ada kek bntuk love n ptung mickey yg sgt comel with a card with a word ‘Klu papa hilang, mama cari papa tak?’ Ya Allah masa tu sedey gile..ak mngalami ksedihan melampau saat2 nk bpisah dgn hanif..ha, boleh wat entry hanif ni..
2009 n 2010 ak dah ada my lovely Iskandar..n I hope happiness will be with me till my end of my life. But of cos I still need sadness to make me become a normal lady..

It's My day
kak jaja kata, takpelah da..mmg ada spesies yg mcm tu..redha jek la..ak pun dh hmpr redha n just mjalani life mcm biasa. kul 3 is col die kata, mlm ni kite mkn luar la..syg tak payah masak..bie lapar sgt ni..ak dh pelik kul 3 dh cite pasal diner..ok jgk..tak payah ak msk..blh rest..
kepelikan ke-2..die beriya nk dtg amik ak..slalunye ak yg dtg amik die..hmm dlm hati ada bunga dh..msti sumthing ni..k lah dlm kete tak cite pasal bday sume..just borak itu ini..pastu bie kata nk singgah beli topup kat air biru kat kdai blakang mcD..aik jauhnye kdai..masuk2 kete...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Engagement #1
1. Tailor outfit
dah tempah bulan lepas..28/5 dah boleh amik. so i have a week if the baju need alteration. tak sabar nyek nk pki..Kain i buy from Tanah Abang Jakarta. disebabkan ada meeting kat sana masa tu, so menyinggah la kejap..mmg rambang mata n cheap2 sgt
2. Kakak Make-up
From Teratak mempelai. Kak Hanis touch..ramah ak tak la segan silu..siap sewa veil skali sbb mls nk pk2 carik veil..lgpun bukan pki pun lepas tu kan..dah deposit
3. Photographer
HA..ak terjah jek amik mamat ni..hope he will do his job very well..i'll comment soon
4. Cake
Tempah kat kak Nurul Cake2u..baik nye kak ni..suke sgt..nti i'll link thier blog..dsebabkn my bie suka sgt i ask her to make MU cookies..tak sabar nk tgk cookies tu..
7 for him n 5 for me..the 7s are; sirih junjung of cos, cake, choc+cookies, fruits, baju melayu+samping, Wallet+belt, kasut maybe..5s for me are; cincin, sirih junjung, cake, kasut+wallet and baju kurung..everything done..just fresh flower for deco yg tak beli supplier dh jumpa..very the murah..sekuntum rose 80sen @ Maple florist, Tmn sri tebrau
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Life Phase
During baby-ing need to think..parent enjoy this moments very much..look into their child growing..seingt ak, ak ni baby yg onar ya ampun..ak tak suka adik pompuan ak..n ak slalu aniaya die..manusia boleh stat m'ingt sejak umur 3 fakta ak ingt la bbrpa kes penganiayaan ak terhadap adik ak..hahahah..tragis..ak yg tembam n bkepala botak masa tu, mmg mjadi kesayangan atok nenek pakcik2 n makcik2..cucu pompuan sulong la katakan
~2nd Phase~
During School-ing time..first day in kindergarden..ibu anta, masa tu just 5 years old. i like to be fren with akak2 6 years old..because i feel secure..ak takde masalah g skolah..ak ponteng sekolah 1 hari jek seingt ak..alasan nye, ak pnt blaja..sbgai denda, ak kena blaja kat umah dr kul 9-12 tghari..hurm serupa ak g skolah..ibu garang woo..umur 6 thun, i go to strd usual, i'm the youngest n like to be frens with akak2..even i'm the youngest, i'm top 5 students...bijak tak bijak la masa tu..
masuk darjah 1 betul2 (kirenye ak kena mhadap drjh 1 selama 2 thun la) ak la pling pndi..first day g skolah ibu ak tak anta pun..ak ikut makdak ak jek...die cikgu kat skolah tu..ak sengih kan aje tgk bdk2 yg nangis g skolah..ak suke act like a mean gurl tp chubby..bujet hebat..kwn2 mesti berbulu tgk ak..sori frens, i just want to be a super gurl..ak lah ketua kelas, ak lah prefect, ak lah yg pekse no 1 dr drjah 1 smpi drjah 6, mmg sume muka ak..sume contest ak join..wpun takde bakat..
High school time..ak memilih kawan, dr kecik pun mcm tu..cikgu prnh komplen kat parent ak yg ak ni sombong..masuk form 1, konon nye nk jd sorg yg peramah...hurm, tak menjadi..i still have my own colleague..ak dh tak sehebat mana la..sbb bdk2 dr skolah len dh masuk situ..ranking no 2 jek...
Pastu dpt g MRSM masa form 4..waaa so heaven la kat sini..memoir terindah..cikgu best, kwn2 best, we are very close..mcm2 aktiviti ada..ish untung la masuk MRSM..nti wat entry khas pasal MRSM lah
~3rd Phase~
University Time..takde pening2 isu nk plh university or apply itu ini..cos i'm forecast student. Before SPM result kuar, i already in UTM doing my foundation..Result SPM tak prnh guna smpi skang..4 years..with my babes. and i have lovely 1st bfren. we had been together since i'm first him so much that time..but sumthing more important that i need to do, so we clash in 3rd year..after that i fulfill my time with so many activity..enjoy it..frens, frenship..
Life become harder..time to search for a job..real practical anymore..really need to closest reading material that time is -The STAR- every find for a job..Without any experiance, everytime going to interview, for sure they make me like a 'bdk baru habis blaja'..sblm g intbiue mmg dh set mind to prepare on what they will lepas tu down jgk..plan nk keje kat takde rezeki..dh give-up2 try to search outside melaka..
mmg akn jd johorian agknye..first interview in johor, quite impressive..they call for 2nd interview then DONE...i got it..oppsss..silap..till 3rd Interview baru done..Good company as i mention in last entry..cayang la NATOLEO..Life must go on..budak baru blaja pgg duit la katakan..skali dpt gaji, sronok ko..tak payah nak cite the same time found a lovely guy namanye ISKANDAR..entri lain cite pasal ISKANDAR lak..dan ISKANDAR ni la yg introduce n approach me to 5th phase..
~5th Phase~
Once u finish ur study and u hired, klise question should be is 'bile nak kawin ni?'..asking is free, loving is free, marrying is money, is commitment, is sacrifice, is sharing..its complicated. its about 2 heart n soul..2 family..2 ethic..COMPLICATED AGAIN..
It's about ur bedmate in ur entire life..klu salah pilih, what to say? it's up n down..bile happy, rasa tak sabar nye nak kawin..bile gaduh, betul ke ak nk kawin dgn die ni..bile dh ok, hurm, kite tgh mpelajari each other..this is the cycle..kerana ketidaksempurnaan itu adalah bahagia bg kami..
Other 1 month before we engage..everynite i'm thinking bout this..i hope this is the best choice even he is not the best man i met..cos i know i'm not is life..this is very tough time..sumtimes i hate to facing all this thing..die merajuk ak pujuk..ak merajuk ak pujuk..thats y women are women..we are strong even they saw us as a weak creation...
next phase, blum rasa lg..will be continue after i rasa nikmat hidup seterus nye..i appreciate in what i achieve, in what i have..
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Work Vs Career

Semalam aku dgr HOT FM..Prof Izi berkata2 " kalau kita bekerja kerana nak jd kaya, kita takkan jadi kaya..Tp kalau kita bekerja kerana kita menyintai kerja kita, nescaya kita akan jadi kaya..Renung2kan dan selamat beramal.."
Ak pun mula la merenung dan beramal..hurm, ak keje nk jd kaya ke? ish..sape la tak nk jadi kaya ak cinta ke kerja ak skang ni? Whats the diff with work and career? for me, work is doing is doing sumthing with passion, interest and soul..

This is my 2nd job after graduation..first job, bertahan la utk 2 tahun..very nice place. with all the frens, the bosses, the environment, everything make me happy. everyday i woke up with smile n rasa tak sabar2 nk g keje wlaupun ak tau ak takde keje nk dibuat hari tu..cuma kekadang je brt sikit nk p boleh kire la..after 2 years, i realize, there is no career development here..i have no space to move..and look into our senior, they saturated there, doing the same job. and the best thing, the same person will do multitask job..ak dah nmpk dh trend nye mcm bjangkit kat ak..
ak nk merasa jgk mcm kwn2 yg len, g outstation, jumpa client and all those thing..rasa glamor jek..huhuhuu..jd engineer tak glamor ke? glamor beb, bangga org hakikat nye..akibat ketepuan melampau, ak pun merajinkn diri g bukak jobstreet..anta2 la resume sikit2 n dgn niat sajek2..sbb syg sgt dgn first company ni..agaknye Allah pun tau dgn saturation level ak ni, so dpt la chance intbiu kat company ni..besar beb company ni..blakang company lama ak jek..klu lalu2 depan company br ni, ak slalu brangan dlm hati..kan best klu dpt keje kat sini..ak pun melalui bbrapa siri intbiu n bos nye bkenan..
yeyey dpt keje baru, gaji baru (ni yg pling best), environment job scope definitely diff..ak boleh survive ke? bnoleh kot..kan prinsip ak, segalanye ak berakhir dgn baik..ak pun keje la, tak la brape gigih meet requirement la..prohibition period 6 Alhamdulillah ak cfirm dlm masa 5 bulan jek..n dlm masa 5 bulan ni,i think, i'm not doing my job perfectly, but i'm doing very well.
tp hakikat yg ak tak dpt sembunyikkan, perasaan bgelak ketawa dgn geng2 dh takde, perasaan smgt nk p keje agk kurang...setiap mlm sblm tido ak akn tanam kn smgt utk berusaha lbh gigih esok otak ak selalu tertinggal kat lah ayt yg ak petik dr blog "perempuan jomblo". ak akan cuba mcari keseronokan disini..ak tau, kat sini career development sgt besar..ape yg ak nk ak dh dpt..ak dh dpt g outstation, dh develope communication skill dgn org positive and u will get positive caj..
:: Work :: Career ::
p/s: keseronokan kat first company blipat kali ganda kerana my bie keje kat situ jgk..huhuhuhu
Monday, May 3, 2010
:: Weekend..Weekdays ::
hari ahad tu bgun lmbt gle..tghari br bgun..bcoz i cant sleep on saturday nite. i hate "cant sleep" will come once in a few month and klu symdrom tu menyerang, ia memakan masa selama seminggu..rasa sengsaranye mhadapi malam menunggu ke pagi..klu kena time weekdays lagi tensen..nk dkt kul 4-5 pg br blh lelapkan mata..klu 6 dh nk kena bgun..kecewa btul..merepek melalut dah..smbung cite hr ahad, bgun2 tgk dh kul 11.00..hurm, lunch utk buah ht tsayang tak buat lg..dgn kerajinan, kuarkan udang, blend bawang cili sume, goreng sayur masak nasi..siap..then anta lunch kat Bie..die keje last sunday..
dah alang2 kuar tu, baik p soping2 sikit kan..start driving heading to JB..g d' store la..tgk kedai Pesona Pengantin..nk cari brng2 nk wat pomander kecewa tk jumpa..nmpk kedai emas..masuk sat laa..usha2 white gold die..hurm design cntik..price still can nego..test one by one, this one like crazy..bgtau tauke, i'll come back tomorrow with abg..then kuar kedai tgk msg kat HP. Bie said "thanks syg, mskkn utk bie. Syg nk g mana tu pki cntik2?"..maknanye mood die tgh ok n tgh takde keje la tu..trus col, cte n tea-up la kedai emas tu..bie kata, beli je lah klu dh suke..bie nye duty roster full next week..
apalg, patah blik trus jek beli..special price lg. andone more thing,it's much2 cheeper klu nk dicomparekan dgn diamond house yg dalam jusco, tesco or yg dh mmg ada nama..rationale, it sale the "ring+shop rent+brand name = expensive ring". so puas hati. berbaloi2..diamond house ni they all can put high price base on the diamond. make sure it's real diamond. can ask them for check
tak besh nye, sbb p beli takkesah la..dah bkenan, klu tak beli terbayang2 lak..layan kan jek..hepi hepi hepi