Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Life Phase

Soksek2 by Aida & Riana at 9:33 PM
~First Phase~
During baby-ing need to think..parent enjoy this moments very much..look into their child growing..seingt ak, ak ni baby yg onar ya ampun..ak tak suka adik pompuan ak..n ak slalu aniaya die..manusia boleh stat m'ingt sejak umur 3 fakta ak ingt la bbrpa kes penganiayaan ak terhadap adik ak..hahahah..tragis..ak yg tembam n bkepala botak masa tu, mmg mjadi kesayangan atok nenek pakcik2 n makcik2..cucu pompuan sulong la katakan

~2nd Phase~
During School-ing time..first day in kindergarden..ibu anta, masa tu just 5 years old. i like to be fren with akak2 6 years old..because i feel secure..ak takde masalah g skolah..ak ponteng sekolah 1 hari jek seingt ak..alasan nye, ak pnt blaja..sbgai denda, ak kena blaja kat umah dr kul 9-12 tghari..hurm serupa ak g skolah..ibu garang woo..umur 6 thun, i go to strd usual, i'm the youngest n like to be frens with akak2..even i'm the youngest, i'm top 5 students...bijak tak bijak la masa tu..
masuk darjah 1 betul2 (kirenye ak kena mhadap drjh 1 selama 2 thun la) ak la pling pndi..first day g skolah ibu ak tak anta pun..ak ikut makdak ak jek...die cikgu kat skolah tu..ak sengih kan aje tgk bdk2 yg nangis g skolah..ak suke act like a mean gurl tp chubby..bujet hebat..kwn2 mesti berbulu tgk ak..sori frens, i just want to be a super gurl..ak lah ketua kelas, ak lah prefect, ak lah yg pekse no 1 dr drjah 1 smpi drjah 6, mmg sume muka ak..sume contest ak join..wpun takde bakat..
High school time..ak memilih kawan, dr kecik pun mcm tu..cikgu prnh komplen kat parent ak yg ak ni sombong..masuk form 1, konon nye nk jd sorg yg peramah...hurm, tak menjadi..i still have my own colleague..ak dh tak sehebat mana la..sbb bdk2 dr skolah len dh masuk situ..ranking no 2 jek...
Pastu dpt g MRSM masa form 4..waaa so heaven la kat sini..memoir terindah..cikgu best, kwn2 best, we are very close..mcm2 aktiviti ada..ish untung la masuk MRSM..nti wat entry khas pasal MRSM lah

~3rd Phase~
University Time..takde pening2 isu nk plh university or apply itu ini..cos i'm forecast student. Before SPM result kuar, i already in UTM doing my foundation..Result SPM tak prnh guna smpi skang..4 years..with my babes. and i have lovely 1st bfren. we had been together since i'm first him so much that time..but sumthing more important that i need to do, so we clash in 3rd year..after that i fulfill my time with so many activity..enjoy it..frens, frenship..

~4th Phase~

Life become harder..time to search for a job..real practical anymore..really need to closest reading material that time is -The STAR- every find for a job..Without any experiance, everytime going to interview, for sure they make me like a 'bdk baru habis blaja'..sblm g intbiue mmg dh set mind to prepare on what they will lepas tu down jgk..plan nk keje kat takde rezeki..dh give-up2 try to search outside melaka..

mmg akn jd johorian agknye..first interview in johor, quite impressive..they call for 2nd interview then DONE...i got it..oppsss..silap..till 3rd Interview baru done..Good company as i mention in last entry..cayang la NATOLEO..Life must go on..budak baru blaja pgg duit la katakan..skali dpt gaji, sronok ko..tak payah nak cite the same time found a lovely guy namanye ISKANDAR..entri lain cite pasal ISKANDAR lak..dan ISKANDAR ni la yg introduce n approach me to 5th phase..

~5th Phase~

Once u finish ur study and u hired, klise question should be is 'bile nak kawin ni?'..asking is free, loving is free, marrying is money, is commitment, is sacrifice, is sharing..its complicated. its about 2 heart n soul..2 family..2 ethic..COMPLICATED AGAIN..

It's about ur bedmate in ur entire life..klu salah pilih, what to say? it's up n down..bile happy, rasa tak sabar nye nak kawin..bile gaduh, betul ke ak nk kawin dgn die ni..bile dh ok, hurm, kite tgh mpelajari each other..this is the cycle..kerana ketidaksempurnaan itu adalah bahagia bg kami..

Other 1 month before we engage..everynite i'm thinking bout this..i hope this is the best choice even he is not the best man i met..cos i know i'm not is life..this is very tough time..sumtimes i hate to facing all this thing..die merajuk ak pujuk..ak merajuk ak pujuk..thats y women are women..we are strong even they saw us as a weak creation...

next phase, blum rasa lg..will be continue after i rasa nikmat hidup seterus nye..i appreciate in what i achieve, in what i have..

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