Sunday, February 19, 2012

3 kg lost in 5 weeks

Soksek2 by Aida & Riana at 6:43 PM
The best achievement so far. Tu pun sbb doc advice suruh reducekan weight before next appointment. Malulakan kalau tak reduce any weight.

I start diet on 11 January 2012. And now dh 5 weeks i diet. Rules no. 1 for diet is Discipline. No offence on that. Nak share sikit diary diet i selama 5 minggu ni..

Dgn malunya i nak reveal kat sini, berat i ialah

Initial weight: 73.4 kg as on 11 Jan 2012.
BMI: 29.72 (overweight)

I gain my weight after get married. Before that 69kg. Overweight jgk, tp tak la setegar 74kg. Then i start malu dgn hubby, rasa pnt buat keje umah, malu nk jumpa sedara mara. and hubby keep on teasing at me. So annoying ok. Dia kata, kalau dia tak buat mcm tu, i tak amik peduli dgn my body..Ok it's work..disebabkan asik kena ejek, mana boleh tahan kan..i pun start diet

What i do?

I start searching for diet program..Dh start pk nk g slimworld dh, tak kira la brapa k pun, asalkan kurus..then i do some research, tgk komen2 org, oh no mcm tak mampu la pulak. Then asik kena g slimming centre jek, sempat ke? Then i read about HERBALIFE. Baca blog consumer Herbalife, baca testimonial consumer. i mcm dpt kekuatan n kepercayaan kat product ni. Lgpun last 2 years ada sorg doc ni pernah promo Herbalife kt I..I pernah try tak discipline so ke laut la jawabnye

So dgn tekad hati yg menebal, i pun start la program HERBALIFE ni. Which is, replace your normal menu to protein menu. I take Herbalife every Breakfast & Lunch then normal meal for Dinner. Or sometimes i take Herbalife for breakfast & dinner and normal meal for lunch. As long as 2 times Herbalife + 1 normal meal..Plus the Teamix

Mmg la tergugat tgk food especially when hubby having his meal and i only having my protein shake..Tp nak kurus punya pasal, tahan kan jgk..Tp kadang2 ada la jgk cheat day. Bila terbanyak cheat day, muhasabah diri blik. Right now i dh boleh adapt dgn my new routine. Takde la food craving sgt. Dh boleh control. In the mean time i do exercise. Skipping kat umah jek..sambil2 tgk tv pun boleh..nak g gym mmg tak smpt..So everyday from 6.30pm - 7.00pm tu i berskipping jek..sambil memasak..boleh gitu? hahaha..

Tips2 utk diet (Secara general, tak kira la apa product pun yg digunakan)
1. Discipline & Consistent
2. Drink a lot of water. Atleast 3L.
3. Avoid fat and carb.
4. Exercise

Tips yg simple and semua org tahu, tp mmg susah nk buat.

1 girls dh soksek2 together:

Hanys Jehari on February 19, 2012 at 8:04 PM said...

Samalah.. Tp sy gain weight sbb teknn perasaan. Hihi. Skng dh dpt berat ideal tapi masih nk reduce before big day.. Fighting!

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