Sunday, July 31, 2011
Projek Apam Polkadot

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Pre-Wedding #1
Done!! akhir nye...Atfirst plan to have it on last Thursday. Last minute, Mr. Hunter kene tukar shift..so yesterday we all take leave..senang cite..
Details of the Pre-wed..
OP: FotoRepublic
Venue: Danga Bay
Make-up: Liza Bridal
I start make-up around 8.00am..Kak Liza mmg best..make-up die tebal tp tak terasa tebal..on camera nmpk cntek..tp kalau ngadap depan2, i pun tak sanggup tgk cermin..lbh2 lagi lepas kena matahari sume..ape tak nye, we all wat photoshoot kul 11.00pg - 1..30pm...kan ke tgh panasa terik tu..overall quite nice la make-up tu..cume i tak suke kening yg die buat tu..kening ori i lg cntik sexy tau..huhuu
OP lak, from fotorepublik..Abg Rosli and his team..mmg best..tp abg Rosli mcm malu2 sikit, smpi kitrog pun jd malu masa mula2..tp lepas tu masa dh dpt tuning, hamekaw!!! meniarap menonggeng amik gmbr...kitorg pun dh mcm hero tamil pose..Yg penting Enjoyyyyy
Mr. Hunter lak, pg tu mood die swing sikit..ntah apesal la agknye..so masa mula2 tu die mcm kayu jati sikit..lepas 5 minit jek, mule la naik tanduk..nk pose kt gazebo la, kt pintu la, hbs sume batu kot die nk panjat..dh la i pki highheel..jenuh jgk la nk berjalan..last2 i berkaki aym jek..masa nk snap pic br i pki kasut..
Ni entry bercerita jek, takde pic lg..we all mmg tak snap our own pic pun..
Lega dh settle 1..Sessi ptg lak we all plan nk g wat HIV test..lepas lunch nasi beriani yg super sedap kat tampoi, we all pun g la KK Kempas sbb dh dekat. then masa isi2 borang tu, nk attachkan IC, tbe2 Mr, Hunter perasan yg IC die takde..IC die tertinggal kat bank sejak 5 hari lepas..giler la boleh tak perasan..trus tak jadi wt HIV test, g bank kt Pasir Gudang tu, nsb baik ada IC die..tgk jam br kul 3.00 ptg, KK Pasir Gudang pun blh wat HIV test hari selasa jgk, so kitorg pun g la terjah kat sana lak
Borang sume kn mmg dh isi, then nurse process form, kejap jek we all dh dpt turn..ada 3 org je pun yg nk wt HIV test..so mmg sekejap..process pun tak complicated..i tak rasa sakit pun..Tp Mr. Hunter kata tgn die lenguh sengal2 la..alahaaaiiii lembiknye awk syg..
So lega..2 things done..
Details of the Pre-wed..
OP: FotoRepublic
Venue: Danga Bay
Make-up: Liza Bridal
I start make-up around 8.00am..Kak Liza mmg best..make-up die tebal tp tak terasa tebal..on camera nmpk cntek..tp kalau ngadap depan2, i pun tak sanggup tgk cermin..lbh2 lagi lepas kena matahari sume..ape tak nye, we all wat photoshoot kul 11.00pg - 1..30pm...kan ke tgh panasa terik tu..overall quite nice la make-up tu..cume i tak suke kening yg die buat tu..kening ori i lg cntik sexy tau..huhuu
OP lak, from fotorepublik..Abg Rosli and his team..mmg best..tp abg Rosli mcm malu2 sikit, smpi kitrog pun jd malu masa mula2..tp lepas tu masa dh dpt tuning, hamekaw!!! meniarap menonggeng amik gmbr...kitorg pun dh mcm hero tamil pose..Yg penting Enjoyyyyy
Mr. Hunter lak, pg tu mood die swing sikit..ntah apesal la agknye..so masa mula2 tu die mcm kayu jati sikit..lepas 5 minit jek, mule la naik tanduk..nk pose kt gazebo la, kt pintu la, hbs sume batu kot die nk panjat..dh la i pki highheel..jenuh jgk la nk berjalan..last2 i berkaki aym jek..masa nk snap pic br i pki kasut..
Ni entry bercerita jek, takde pic lg..we all mmg tak snap our own pic pun..
Lega dh settle 1..Sessi ptg lak we all plan nk g wat HIV test..lepas lunch nasi beriani yg super sedap kat tampoi, we all pun g la KK Kempas sbb dh dekat. then masa isi2 borang tu, nk attachkan IC, tbe2 Mr, Hunter perasan yg IC die takde..IC die tertinggal kat bank sejak 5 hari lepas..giler la boleh tak perasan..trus tak jadi wt HIV test, g bank kt Pasir Gudang tu, nsb baik ada IC die..tgk jam br kul 3.00 ptg, KK Pasir Gudang pun blh wat HIV test hari selasa jgk, so kitorg pun g la terjah kat sana lak
Borang sume kn mmg dh isi, then nurse process form, kejap jek we all dh dpt turn..ada 3 org je pun yg nk wt HIV test..so mmg sekejap..process pun tak complicated..i tak rasa sakit pun..Tp Mr. Hunter kata tgn die lenguh sengal2 la..alahaaaiiii lembiknye awk syg..
So lega..2 things done..
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Mode: Huru-hara-biru
Feel sumthing weird..few minutes ago feel very hepi, then tbe2 rasa moody..rasa geram, rasa mcm2 la..
Friday again..I need more weeks..
hi Ladies..i'm quite happy today..rasa mcm nk loncat2 jek..
Sape blum ada guestbook lg? i rasa u all blh purchase from Photobook. Beautiful Potrait Imagewrap Photobook..So image kt depan tu blh la letak pic pre-wed ke, pic masa bby ke, pic masa tunang ke..simple but exclusive..Actually it's quite pricey la..sbb i do mt GB for only RM12.90..murah sbb i perantin cheesecake..hihihihi
It’s that time again! For 48 hours only, enjoy our Medium and Large Portrait Imagewrap books at 70% off. Portrait books make the best yearbooks and are also popular as travel books, portfolios and family books too.
Come experience how people around the world are discovering the magic of their memories through Photobook.
Up to ur creativity..nk buat pun tak la susah sgt..just beli ape2 buku kt kedai buku then tampal2 sikit, siap..yg pntg ada org tulis kt dlm buku tu kn..Lgpun tak ramai kot yg tulis GB tgk cover GB tu dulu...but "us", maybe YES!!..sblm tulis tgk cover dulu, siap amik gmbr lg..hihihihi
Sape blum ada guestbook lg? i rasa u all blh purchase from Photobook. Beautiful Potrait Imagewrap Photobook..So image kt depan tu blh la letak pic pre-wed ke, pic masa bby ke, pic masa tunang ke..simple but exclusive..Actually it's quite pricey la..sbb i do mt GB for only RM12.90..murah sbb i perantin cheesecake..hihihihi
It’s that time again! For 48 hours only, enjoy our Medium and Large Portrait Imagewrap books at 70% off. Portrait books make the best yearbooks and are also popular as travel books, portfolios and family books too.
Come experience how people around the world are discovering the magic of their memories through Photobook.
Up to ur creativity..nk buat pun tak la susah sgt..just beli ape2 buku kt kedai buku then tampal2 sikit, siap..yg pntg ada org tulis kt dlm buku tu kn..Lgpun tak ramai kot yg tulis GB tgk cover GB tu dulu...but "us", maybe YES!!..sblm tulis tgk cover dulu, siap amik gmbr lg..hihihihi
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Draft Kad Kahwin
Baru pulang dari Jakarta...mmg capek dong akibat kemacetan melampau di Spore...
Blik ke tajuk utama..draft ni dh dpt dr minggu lepas..delay 3 hari drpd yg dijanjikan..tp still acceptable la sbb i pun bz..
jom tgk sikit draft nye..
So excited..dh nak kawen..tak sabar nk edarkn jemputan..pengantin gelojoh..hahhaha..kad ni kad pocket color metalic white with gold hotstamping. The price, mmg affordable within my mom bujet..hahahaha kena sponsor harus la pilih jek mana yg berkenan..klu duit sndiri, maunye bukak purse 14kali..
Ni dh buat sikit correction and waiting for their feedback..pastu dh boleh print terus..
Update story-mory in Jakarta will be in the next entry..To Bahirah Comey kiriman dr Jakarta udah bersama sy ya (",)
Blik ke tajuk utama..draft ni dh dpt dr minggu lepas..delay 3 hari drpd yg dijanjikan..tp still acceptable la sbb i pun bz..
jom tgk sikit draft nye..
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Cover (Pocket) |
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Inlay (2 separate pcs) |
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Peta |
Ni dh buat sikit correction and waiting for their feedback..pastu dh boleh print terus..
Update story-mory in Jakarta will be in the next entry..To Bahirah Comey kiriman dr Jakarta udah bersama sy ya (",)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Bersiaran dari bumi Jakarta
Pergh tajuk mcm wartawan kn..hihhihih..lega meeting sume dh settle, tgl nk berbelanja jek..esk seawal jam 7, kami akn beragkatan ke tanah abang..supir semangat gile..i ckp nk g kul 9..pastu die kata, kite g kul 7, macet nti..kat sini lewat sejam..so kul 7 tu, mcm dh kul 8 la kt msia..
dh rindu kt my hubby so much..
Mode: lapar masakan malaysia..
dh rindu kt my hubby so much..
Mode: lapar masakan malaysia..
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Galaxy S II or Xperia Arc
compuse tak tau nk hoose which one..both have great design and great features..Galaxy S II or Xperia Arc..Kalau kat maxis, Xperia mahal sikit compare to galaxy..tp kalau kt luar, Galaxy much2 mahal compare to Xperia
Kalu kt luar i survey Xperia RM1400 and Galaxy RM1900..Tp kalau dgn Maxis for sure la kena ikat contract 2years kn..bulan2 min RM128..I ni dh la contract dgn celcom, kang tak terlarat nk byr monthly fee lak..
Oh No!!! jatuh cinta dgn both hP..Dulu i die hard fan Sony ericson..tp right now pki samsung and it's quite good and cute..
Please suggest the best one dear...
Kalu kt luar i survey Xperia RM1400 and Galaxy RM1900..Tp kalau dgn Maxis for sure la kena ikat contract 2years kn..bulan2 min RM128..I ni dh la contract dgn celcom, kang tak terlarat nk byr monthly fee lak..
Oh No!!! jatuh cinta dgn both hP..Dulu i die hard fan Sony ericson..tp right now pki samsung and it's quite good and cute..
Please suggest the best one dear...
Tak suke bile ape yg dirancang dicancel
Td baru baca blog Bahirah pasal cancel activity..Rasa nye mmg sakitnye la hati..wpun reason nye munasabah..
My flight to Jakarta at 10.00 am on Monday and from Changi airport..Mr. Hunter dh cakap nk anta sbb die keje mlm masa tu..so blik keje pg tu, die boleh trus anta i g CIQ..skali die kena tranfer plant lak mgu depan, so die kena keje shift pg lak..pergh panas, sape nk anta g JB pg2 buta tu...
Disebabkan shift die dh bertukar, so effect la pulak pre-wed photoshoot we all..plan nk buat hr khms lepas i blik dr indon tu..sb kononnye die keje mlm, so ptg tu boleh la pose2..ni dh kena keje siang then die tak tau duty roster die yg terbaru ni mcmana lak..Down trus mood..hmmm malas nk wat keje dh
My flight to Jakarta at 10.00 am on Monday and from Changi airport..Mr. Hunter dh cakap nk anta sbb die keje mlm masa tu..so blik keje pg tu, die boleh trus anta i g CIQ..skali die kena tranfer plant lak mgu depan, so die kena keje shift pg lak..pergh panas, sape nk anta g JB pg2 buta tu...
Disebabkan shift die dh bertukar, so effect la pulak pre-wed photoshoot we all..plan nk buat hr khms lepas i blik dr indon tu..sb kononnye die keje mlm, so ptg tu boleh la pose2..ni dh kena keje siang then die tak tau duty roster die yg terbaru ni mcmana lak..Down trus mood..hmmm malas nk wat keje dh
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Dh dapat artwork kad kawen..Yeay
Tgh check for confirmation. Alhamdulillah, mmg zero typo, and the design as my request. Great!! tak sabar nk edarkan jemputan..
Smlm dh g amik borang kahwin..pasni kena settlekn prosedur2 lain lak..Sblm g amik borang kahwin tu, i g klinik kesihatan, ckp kt org klinik tu, "sy nk buat HIV test"..pastu org tu tanya, "borang kahwin tu mana"..ooo kena bwk borang ke? gile gelojoh terus terjah nk buat HIV test..kena bantai gelak dgn Mr. Hunter..die tau rupenye, tp saje nk kenakan i..suke hati die jek..
Smlm dh g amik borang kahwin..pasni kena settlekn prosedur2 lain lak..Sblm g amik borang kahwin tu, i g klinik kesihatan, ckp kt org klinik tu, "sy nk buat HIV test"..pastu org tu tanya, "borang kahwin tu mana"..ooo kena bwk borang ke? gile gelojoh terus terjah nk buat HIV test..kena bantai gelak dgn Mr. Hunter..die tau rupenye, tp saje nk kenakan i..suke hati die jek..
Monday, July 11, 2011
DIY Guest Book
Tbe2 terajin and terus tersiap Guest Book..I mcm tu la, time tak nk buat mmg liat..time dh stat pegang, kejap jek dh siap..as my story yesterday, i beli sketch book utk buat Guest book and the book price is only RM12.90..kertas kt dlm tu mcm kertas lukisan..tebal..
Then i beli color paper and guna ribbon2 serta manik2 yg ada kt umah jek..jimat cost (dasar cheesecake kn..)..lets review
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In the making |
Simple jek..Nti nk tambah bunga lg |
Dh boleh masuk kotak and cancel out DIY list |
Nti i nak tambah bunga kecik2 lg..so tak la nmpk kosong..nanti siapa yg hadir ke wedding i, sila2 la menconteng ea..
Hadiah bday Mr. Hunter esok..disebabkan Mode hitam semalam, maka wrapping paper pun hitam..tragis..sweet tak ribbon i tu? (",)
Cik Fainie nak g Jakarta...
...sape nak kirim? Hiihihihi mcm larat jek nak amik kiriman ..tp kalau serius nk kirim ape2, email me ye..takut kempunan lak..
Have meeting at Jakarta office on next Tuesday..tp dh terlanjur ke sana, harus la g merayap kejap kn..Tempat yg di tuju, mcm biasa la, tanah abang..my fav place ever..kalau Mangga 2 tak selese..I rasa jalan nk g Tanah abang pun i dh ingt kot..hihihii
Selain tu, haruslah ber-massage2..their massage very marvelous + murah + lama..
This time i stay kat Aston Rasuna. Dh pernah stay kt sini sekali and i can say it's comfortable and only 20minutes to centre of Jakarta..kalau naik teksi tambang lbh kurang RM8..
U see, the room price is only RM320++ for 2 bedroom Deluxe Suite with breakfast for 2person..Sgt besar suite ni, siap ada wet n dry kitchen tau..Tp yg tak best, lift hotel ni..agk slow..nk mkn pun agk senang kt sini..sbb kat area ni ada byk food court..
Balik dr Jakarta nti, ada pre-wed photoshoot..Nmpknye next week must be very fantastic week..
This week, agk busan..opismate pun kata keje tak byk, smpi busan tak tau nk wt pe..bos, please give me some work..so i have sumthing to report by the end of the week..klu tak nk letak ape dlm report..Headache!!
Have meeting at Jakarta office on next Tuesday..tp dh terlanjur ke sana, harus la g merayap kejap kn..Tempat yg di tuju, mcm biasa la, tanah abang..my fav place ever..kalau Mangga 2 tak selese..I rasa jalan nk g Tanah abang pun i dh ingt kot..hihihii
Selain tu, haruslah ber-massage2..their massage very marvelous + murah + lama..
This time i stay kat Aston Rasuna. Dh pernah stay kt sini sekali and i can say it's comfortable and only 20minutes to centre of Jakarta..kalau naik teksi tambang lbh kurang RM8..
U see, the room price is only RM320++ for 2 bedroom Deluxe Suite with breakfast for 2person..Sgt besar suite ni, siap ada wet n dry kitchen tau..Tp yg tak best, lift hotel ni..agk slow..nk mkn pun agk senang kt sini..sbb kat area ni ada byk food court..
Balik dr Jakarta nti, ada pre-wed photoshoot..Nmpknye next week must be very fantastic week..
This week, agk busan..opismate pun kata keje tak byk, smpi busan tak tau nk wt pe..bos, please give me some work..so i have sumthing to report by the end of the week..klu tak nk letak ape dlm report..Headache!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Mode: Hitam
Hitam membuatkan i nmpk kurus..so hr ni i pki hitam sbb nk effect kurus...
Then i g bookstore nk cari wrapping paper utk balut hdiah bday Mr. Hunter, i terbeli color hitam jgk..beli dlm keadaan takde pertimbangan..hahahha
Pastu round2 dlm kedai tu, terjumpe sketch book yg sesuai utk di buat Guest Book and color HITAM..beli jek la..nti i Deko2 kasi cun..
I nk upload mcm2 pic, tp laptop i rosak, takleh nk upload..Laptop company lak tak recognize device yg merepek2..kecewa btul entry tak bergambar..
Then i g bookstore nk cari wrapping paper utk balut hdiah bday Mr. Hunter, i terbeli color hitam jgk..beli dlm keadaan takde pertimbangan..hahahha
Pastu round2 dlm kedai tu, terjumpe sketch book yg sesuai utk di buat Guest Book and color HITAM..beli jek la..nti i Deko2 kasi cun..
I nk upload mcm2 pic, tp laptop i rosak, takleh nk upload..Laptop company lak tak recognize device yg merepek2..kecewa btul entry tak bergambar..
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Matta Fair Johor
Hooyeahh gurlz..
Still searching for the best deal for ur honeymoon package?
Matta fair is in JOHOR..so B2B johor, blh stat survey2 n plan mana nak g..so tak la rambang mata n nafsu masa kat sana..
The details as follows:
Date: 15 - 17 July 2011
Venue: Danga City Mall
Teringin sgt nak g sini
Still searching for the best deal for ur honeymoon package?
Matta fair is in JOHOR..so B2B johor, blh stat survey2 n plan mana nak g..so tak la rambang mata n nafsu masa kat sana..
The details as follows:
Date: 15 - 17 July 2011
Venue: Danga City Mall
Teringin sgt nak g sini
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Mabul Island |
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Senarai DIY
Counting the days..lg 94 hari..Fuhh kesat peluh2 dingin di dahi..Apehal la aircond kat opis ni tak rasa lg..
Smlm call ibu, ibu tu tak habis2 menjahit langsir la, alas meja la, mcm2..tp sume part ibu n abah, diorg almost done..mmg effective btl la gandingan tu..sume keje siap as per schedule..and everytime i call my mum, she will ask me, bunga telur dah siap..hahahha mestila blum..
Ada few things yg i buat sndiri sbb nk yg cantik tp jimat cost..i gagahkan jgk la buat sndiri..
DIY list (Done)
1. Bunga telur dip utk khatam quran
2. Bunga telur dip utk bertandang
3. Bunga tangan kristal
4. ...eh tu je ke yg i dh buat?
Nampaknye, tu je lah yg i baru buat
DIY list (pending)
1. Bunga pahar (100 pcs)
2. Guest book + the accessories
3. Signage
4. Runner table
5. Centerpiece
6. Corsage
7. Vendor name tag
8. Henna
Henna? yes to save budget (gle cheesecake) i draw sndiri jek my henna..pic tu masa awl2 lukis dulu..pic2 latest, tak dpt nk upload sbb cable hp dh ilang..tp i boleh lukis sebelah kiri jek la sbb i melukis tgn kanan..so nti, tgn kiri i konsep henna lukis2..tgn kanan i konsep henna tradisional..tak tau my mom bg ke tak..tp ok what, lain drpd yg lain kan..
Mgu ni nak settle kan benda2 yg berkaitan dgn printing..
Serius berpeluh ni..aircond tak on lg ke?
Rumah lepas kahwin
I didn't move to anywhere..I ask my housmate x 3org yg move-out..i tak halau, tp diorg volunteer..baik kan hosmate sume..cyg u all sgt..Kak Ila kata, Ayu duk sini jek la, nak angkat brg sume ni susah..biar we all jek yg pndh..angkat baju n tilam jek...(Comey tak nama i kat umah - Ayu tau)
We all akn menyewa dulu lepas kawin ni..bulan 6 thun depan baru plan nk beli umah..Disebabkan umah sewa skang ni i yg cari and sume brng dlm umah tu i punye, so i la yg stay kt situ..slalunye sape kawen kena pindah kn..takpe, hosmate baik hati..sempat duk sesame 1 thun jek..
Lepas kawen ni tgl nk beli sofa n meja makan..yg len2 dh ada..umah tu quite comfortable..ada 4 bilik, 3 bilik air..sume dh tiles..sewa pun not bad RM500 jek..and pling best..sgt dekat dgn tmpk keje we all..So Mr. Husband nti boleh blik makan setiap hari..
1 of my housemate in process to buy a house..muda lg, br 24..pastu i rasa menyesal lak, knp i tak beli umah dr dulu..Asik enjoy jek ingt..isk tak t'pk langsung..
Wishlist / mengharapkan dapat hadiah kawen ni *..* / to buy:
1. Microwave
2. Oven
3. Mixer
4. Sofa
5. Another bedroom set for guest
6. Kitchen cabinet
Hiasan yg comel2 tgu umah sndiri nti...kang jenuh pulak nak mengangkut..
Facial First from Milk A Deal..Only RM49 and the best thing dia ada cawangan kat JB
Taman Molek, Johor Bahru, No. 4, 4-01 & 4-02, Jalan Molek 1/10, Taman Molek, 81100 Johor Bahru. Tel: +607 354 6330
Hoyeh...i loike manja2kan diri.
We all akn menyewa dulu lepas kawin ni..bulan 6 thun depan baru plan nk beli umah..Disebabkan umah sewa skang ni i yg cari and sume brng dlm umah tu i punye, so i la yg stay kt situ..slalunye sape kawen kena pindah kn..takpe, hosmate baik hati..sempat duk sesame 1 thun jek..
Lepas kawen ni tgl nk beli sofa n meja makan..yg len2 dh ada..umah tu quite comfortable..ada 4 bilik, 3 bilik air..sume dh tiles..sewa pun not bad RM500 jek..and pling best..sgt dekat dgn tmpk keje we all..So Mr. Husband nti boleh blik makan setiap hari..
1 of my housemate in process to buy a house..muda lg, br 24..pastu i rasa menyesal lak, knp i tak beli umah dr dulu..Asik enjoy jek ingt..isk tak t'pk langsung..
Wishlist / mengharapkan dapat hadiah kawen ni *..* / to buy:
1. Microwave
2. Oven
3. Mixer
4. Sofa
5. Another bedroom set for guest
6. Kitchen cabinet
Hiasan yg comel2 tgu umah sndiri nti...kang jenuh pulak nak mengangkut..
Facial First from Milk A Deal..Only RM49 and the best thing dia ada cawangan kat JB
Taman Molek, Johor Bahru, No. 4, 4-01 & 4-02, Jalan Molek 1/10, Taman Molek, 81100 Johor Bahru. Tel: +607 354 6330
Hoyeh...i loike manja2kan diri.
Signature Essential Facial
- cleanse
- scrub
- extraction
- face pressure point massage
- relaxing back & neck massage
- mask
1 Skin Spa Session for a Friend
- face cleansing
- face scrub
- face pressure point massage
- hydrating mask
Grab it Gurlz
Therapy Pasangan
Can be said every couple have their own to treat their relation right. Sbb kita ni individu yg berbeza..tp perempuan tetap perempuan n lelaki tetap lelaki..Naluri kita almost the same..
Perempuan kalau gaduh rasa mcm nk membebel sepuas hati n meluahkan segala yg ada..boleh..buatlah tp jgn smpi die dgr..sbb bile kite marah, mcm2 bnda yg tak sepatutnye akn kluar dr dlm mulut kite..smpi bnda yg sensitive to the max pun kite akn ungkit..Kalau die dgr, die akn smpn dlm ht (sbb die tak reti membebel blik kn) dan terbentuk la 1 titik hitam dlm hati die..he might say "ooo bini ak kata ak tak pernah ..........."..Die akn absorb smpi la 1 masa titik hitam tu dh penuh then die akn meletup melimpahkan blik sume bnda yg prnh kite cakap..untung2 dapat talak 3..Ok kidding...
Tp kite tak boleh simpan dlm ht kan..nti hati kite pulak yg bengkak..so bebel la kt washer machine, kt sofa, yg pntg die tak dgr..lelaki ni die tau kekurangan die tp lmbt sikit and kadang2 tak nak mengaku..Jangan tegur pasangan time kite tgh marah sbb masa tu kite pun tak rasional..I teringat 1 advice from my married friend..die kata, kalau u nk tegur husband u, tegur time sblm tido n selepas having intimate session..Ni i blum prnh test..hahaha..kalu i nk tegur Mr. Hunter i akn tegur time borak2 santai..time marah, i akn take note ape yg i nk marah die (draft kt dlm sms tu..hahaha)..
After few years couple ni, i realize yg lelaki ni lg suke silent war..bile diorg marah diorg akn snyp jek..(seksa kn rasa mcm ni)..mmg silent killer la..Mr. Hunter cakap, sy tak suke nk marah2 awk..kalu sy marah biarkan jek..sehari dua sy ok la..sy cuma perlukan masa utk pk ape yg terbaik utk kite berdua..
Yes kalau we all gduh, die akn snyp jek, tak call, tak dtg jumpe, tak sms sume..Nti bile die dh ok, die carik la blik tunang die ni..Time ni i akn pura2 konon die g masuk gua bertapa...no network coverage...hhahaha..
Whatever pun, i can see improvement in our relationship..i ni dominant..kalau dulu sume bnda kena ikut cara i...skang dh slow down sikit..Mr. Hunter dulu hot temper..skang dh slow down sikit..Kena give and take..
P/S: Sgt suke tgk desprate housewives..I learn so many things in that drama series.. Kadang2 kita sakit, susah, miskin..tp sampai satu masa kita sihat, sng and kaya..
Monday, July 4, 2011
Bertukar Akhirnye
Kami telah bertukar kepada yg lebih Jelas dan Nyata..
Takde pic awek cuns n gedix dh
Visit me more and more
Takde pic awek cuns n gedix dh
Visit me more and more
Rasa mcm nak tukar layout
Sbb layout skang ni mcm tak user-friendly..i rasa msti u all susah nk cari icon mkomen kat mana kan..pastu takde icon previous, home and next..pastu sume side bar sblh kanan n menjela smpi ke bawah..sbb sblh kiri takleh nk insert anything..
Mcmana nk tukar layout dgn senang? to remain all the link and the ads? adui malas sungguh nk start...
Mcmana nk tukar layout dgn senang? to remain all the link and the ads? adui malas sungguh nk start...
Wedding Photography Poses Checklist
Ni checklist omputih..tp blh la getting idea from here..Nti i buat Malay version lak..
_ Bride putting on garter with Bridesmaids looking on
_ Bride in her dressing room with mirror
_ Corsage being pinned on Mother
_ Boutonniere being pinned on Father
_ Mother and Bride
_ Father and Bride
_ Brothers and sisters and bride
_ Group Shot of Bride and Bridesmaids
_ Individual shots of Bride with each Bridesmaid
_ Bride leaving house with Parents and Bridesmaids
_ Father helping bride into car
Photos during the Ceremony (Pre-approved by officiator)
_ Bride's Mother on usher's arm
_ Groom's Mother on usher's arm
_ Grandparents accompanied down the aisle
_ Other people accompanied down aisle
_ Bridal party coming down the aisle
_ Bridesmaids, flower girls, and ring bearer coming down the aisle
_ Bride being taken down aisle by father
_ Father giving away bride
_ Special Decorations at the Ceremony Venue
_ Groom's Mother on usher's arm
_ Grandparents accompanied down the aisle
_ Other people accompanied down aisle
_ Bridal party coming down the aisle
_ Bridesmaids, flower girls, and ring bearer coming down the aisle
_ Bride being taken down aisle by father
_ Father giving away bride
_ Special Decorations at the Ceremony Venue
After the Ceremony at the Location
_ Bride and groom coming down the aisle
_ Receiving line right after ceremony
_ Best man signing certificate with bride and groom looking on
_ Matron of honor signing certificate with bride and groom looking on
_ Receiving line right after ceremony
_ Best man signing certificate with bride and groom looking on
_ Matron of honor signing certificate with bride and groom looking on
Bride's Group Shots: Traditional and Romantic
_ Bride solo with 2 or 3 lighting configurations
_ Bride with Bridemaids flowers around her
_ Bride and Groomsmen
_ Bride and bridemaids on the steps of the ....... or other picturesque location
_ Bride with her parents
_ Bride with her mother
_ Bride with her father
_ Bride and Matron of Honor
_ Bride kissing Father on the cheek (vice versa)
_ Bride and Mother with Father looking on
_ Bride and Bridesmaids group pose in vestibule or dressing room
_ Mood shots in and around the home/grounds and/or on the way to the weddings reception site.
_ Bride with Bridemaids flowers around her
_ Bride and Groomsmen
_ Bride and bridemaids on the steps of the ....... or other picturesque location
_ Bride with her parents
_ Bride with her mother
_ Bride with her father
_ Bride and Matron of Honor
_ Bride kissing Father on the cheek (vice versa)
_ Bride and Mother with Father looking on
_ Bride and Bridesmaids group pose in vestibule or dressing room
_ Mood shots in and around the home/grounds and/or on the way to the weddings reception site.
Groom's Group Shots: Traditional and Romantic
_ Groom solo with 2 or 3 lighting configurations
_ Groom with Bridemaids
_ Groom and Groomsmen
_ Groom and bridemaids on the steps of the home or other picturesque location
_ Group shots back inside home
_ Groom with his Parents
_ Groom with his Mother
_ Groom with his Father
_ Best Man adjusting Groom's tie
_ Groom and Best Man handshaking, etc.
_ Stylish shots in and around the home/grounds and/or on the way to the weddings reception site.
_ Groom with Bridemaids
_ Groom and Groomsmen
_ Groom and bridemaids on the steps of the home or other picturesque location
_ Group shots back inside home
_ Groom with his Parents
_ Groom with his Mother
_ Groom with his Father
_ Best Man adjusting Groom's tie
_ Groom and Best Man handshaking, etc.
_ Stylish shots in and around the home/grounds and/or on the way to the weddings reception site.
Bride and Groom Shots (Indoors): Traditional and Romantic
_ Groom kissing Bride at the altar full length
_ Groom kissing Bride at the altar 3/4 pose
_ Groom kissing Bride at the altar tight head shot pose
_ Groom putting ring on Bride's finger
_ Bride putting ring on Groom's finger
_ Bride and Groom lighting candles, full length
_ Bride and Groom lighting candles, 3/4 pose
_ Bride and Groom's hands with rings and flowers
_ Bride and Groom with officiator
_ Bride and Groom and bridal party with officiator
_ Bride and groom at door (or stained glass window) in silhouette
_ Bride and groom on the steps of home
_ Bride and groom with bridal party standing
_ Bride and groom with bridal party sitting
_ Bride and groom with bridal party (alternating male and female)
_ Bride and groom with all of the Brides family
_ Bride and groom with brides immediate family
_ Bride and groom with bride's parents
_ Bride and groom with all of the groom's family
_ Bride and groom with groom's immediate family
_ Bride and groom with groom's parents
_ Bride and groom with both sets of parents
_ Bride and/or groom with special family members (e.g. favorite uncle, best friend, generations photograph, etc)
_ Bride and groom leaving inside of home/hotel
_ Getting into car or limo
_ Shot through the sun roof of the limo
_ Shot while seated in limo
_ Wide shot of ceremony site and limo
_ Mood shots in and around the grounds and/or on the way to the weddings reception site.
_ Groom kissing Bride at the altar 3/4 pose
_ Groom kissing Bride at the altar tight head shot pose
_ Groom putting ring on Bride's finger
_ Bride putting ring on Groom's finger
_ Bride and Groom lighting candles, full length
_ Bride and Groom lighting candles, 3/4 pose
_ Bride and Groom's hands with rings and flowers
_ Bride and Groom with officiator
_ Bride and Groom and bridal party with officiator
_ Bride and groom at door (or stained glass window) in silhouette
_ Bride and groom on the steps of home
_ Bride and groom with bridal party standing
_ Bride and groom with bridal party sitting
_ Bride and groom with bridal party (alternating male and female)
_ Bride and groom with all of the Brides family
_ Bride and groom with brides immediate family
_ Bride and groom with bride's parents
_ Bride and groom with all of the groom's family
_ Bride and groom with groom's immediate family
_ Bride and groom with groom's parents
_ Bride and groom with both sets of parents
_ Bride and/or groom with special family members (e.g. favorite uncle, best friend, generations photograph, etc)
_ Bride and groom leaving inside of home/hotel
_ Getting into car or limo
_ Shot through the sun roof of the limo
_ Shot while seated in limo
_ Wide shot of ceremony site and limo
_ Mood shots in and around the grounds and/or on the way to the weddings reception site.
Group Shots (Outdoors): Traditional and Romantic
_ Outdoor shots of bride and groom (around special outdoor decorations like arches, gazebos or other themed decorations)
_ Outdoor shots of wedding party
_ Shots of groom and best man
_ Shots of groom and groomsmen
_ Shots of bride and maid of honor
_ Shots of bride and bridesmaids
_ Other Group shots
_ Outdoor shots of wedding party
_ Shots of groom and best man
_ Shots of groom and groomsmen
_ Shots of bride and maid of honor
_ Shots of bride and bridesmaids
_ Other Group shots
At the Reception
_ Receiving line (If not taken earlier)
_ Wedding cake (prior to being cut)
_ Guest book
_ Guests signing book
_ Wedding Favors
_ Gift table
_ Introduction of the wedding party
_ Wedding party toasting bride and groom
_ Close up of bride and groom toasting
_ Close up of bride and groom at head table kissing
_ Group shots of guests at their table during the meal
_ First dance
_ Parent dance
_ Bride and father dance
_ Groom and mother dance
_ Parents dancing
_ Bridal party dancing
_ Guest dancing
_ Bride showing rings to bridesmaids
_ General dancing shots (wide and close up)
_ Flower girl and ring bearer together
_ Candids of guests and bridal party as conditions permit
_ Bride and groom posed in front of the cake
_ Cutting the cake
_ Bride and groom feeding cake to one another
_ Bride faking the bouquet toss
_ Bride throwing the bouquet
_ The catch of the bouquet
_ Groom taking off garter
_ Groom and garter
_ Groom throwing the garter
_ The catch of the garter
_ Group shot of bride and groom with the recipients of the bouquet and garter
_ Guest leaving
_ Posed departure shot of bride and groom (kissing, waving, etc.)
_ Getaway car
_ Bride and groom leaving reception area (birdseed, rose pedals)
_ Bride and groom in car as it goes in to the distance.
_ Wedding cake (prior to being cut)
_ Guest book
_ Guests signing book
_ Wedding Favors
_ Gift table
_ Introduction of the wedding party
_ Wedding party toasting bride and groom
_ Close up of bride and groom toasting
_ Close up of bride and groom at head table kissing
_ Group shots of guests at their table during the meal
_ First dance
_ Parent dance
_ Bride and father dance
_ Groom and mother dance
_ Parents dancing
_ Bridal party dancing
_ Guest dancing
_ Bride showing rings to bridesmaids
_ General dancing shots (wide and close up)
_ Flower girl and ring bearer together
_ Candids of guests and bridal party as conditions permit
_ Bride and groom posed in front of the cake
_ Cutting the cake
_ Bride and groom feeding cake to one another
_ Bride faking the bouquet toss
_ Bride throwing the bouquet
_ The catch of the bouquet
_ Groom taking off garter
_ Groom and garter
_ Groom throwing the garter
_ The catch of the garter
_ Group shot of bride and groom with the recipients of the bouquet and garter
_ Guest leaving
_ Posed departure shot of bride and groom (kissing, waving, etc.)
_ Getaway car
_ Bride and groom leaving reception area (birdseed, rose pedals)
_ Bride and groom in car as it goes in to the distance.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
DIY Vendor NameTag
Thinking of having name-tag for all my vendor..Supaya org lain tak overshadow my vendor..Mana la tau kn tbe2 ada pakcik yg over excited nk snap pic i smpi suh my OP ke tepi..Tbe2 ada makcik jiran yg sgt byk idea nk deco my pelamin smpi lari concept yg i dh bincang dgn Bridal house i..mana la tau kan..Lg pun saje gatal tgn nk buat sumthing..hiks2..
First Trial...
Will attach dgn corsage or ribbon..Tgh cari design2 yg lbh menarik..Tp i mmg minat Swirl design
First Trial...
Will attach dgn corsage or ribbon..Tgh cari design2 yg lbh menarik..Tp i mmg minat Swirl design
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