Semalam, I pndh umah..pndh tak jauh pun..selang 7 umah penat nye mak ai..this is my 5th home since 2007..mmg byk sgt tragedy umah sewa ni..and hope this is the final one, then we all will buy one for us..tak sabar rasanye..tgu thn depan br beli..
Kpnatan terjadi akibat brng yg super duper byk..and I can say, since I keje, I dh kumpul, peti es yg agk besar, tv, washer machine, blender, iron, hitter, dpur gas, tak dilupakan tong gas, rice cooker and the latest one yg br smpi, set bilik tido…
Yeah, mission hmpir complete..tgl dining set and sofa jek..plan want to have dining set yg ala2 kopitiam tu..but Mr Hunter not agree, because not relaxing..kamu nk mkn ke nk tido kat meja mkn tu syg? takpe lah, ikut kn I still want meja makan yg cool2 gitu..
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cool and hangat mcm ni |
Lg 1 yg blum ada, sofa..disebabkn space llimitation, so I just want to have 3 seaters sofa..klu ada grandfather chair pun best jgk..ok, so target for 3 seater sofa and grandfather chair..ok, kumpul duit cepat2..i minat dgn fella design nte mahai la tak pendam kn dulu hasrat hati..
Tp al-kisah bedroom set pulak..smlm masa g beli tu, agk rushing sbb lunch before that we all mmg dh survey sume price and design yg we all nak..smpi kat kdai tu, I just refer blik ape yg dh di discuss hr bed yg I nk tu takde color choc..yg ada color beige jek..kt dlm kedai tu, nmpk ok jek..maybe sbb lmpu diorg ble dh smpi umah, I rasa mcm dull nye la hai..i dok mhadap headbed tu smpi I skang misi nk mceriakan bilik tu..langsir, color dinding, color katil, sume, katil tu Divan set..Divan lbh tahan dr katil biasa..sbb kbnyakan katil biasa, palang tengah nye tu tak kuat..kayu skang tak sama dgn kayu dulu..tu kata org kedai la..and I agree with that..
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Katil i color yg ni nmpk cntik..maybe effect dr bedsheet kot..idea2 |
Maybe bedsheet bakal memainkan peranan penting..i akn cr color yg gile2 punya..supaya I tido tanpa jemu..and maybe perhiasan dinding juga mampu menambahkan kenikmatan beserta bantal yg byk kat atas katill..skang ni dh ada 2 bntl besar, 2 bntl nk cari another 2 bantal kecik yg pnjg tu..
Ok referring to perhiasan dinding, I plan to order canvas printing from Perfect Canvas..i nk buat 4 pcs 14x14 inch of my engagement pic..dh mntk quote..tgl nk anta order jek..tgu duit claim ni, pastu g confirm order kat Perfect Canvas..Nti I akn susun kat ats headbed mcm pic ni..katil pun lbh krang mcm ni jgk..
Usaha mengemas masih perlu diteruskan..pastu br blh smbung deco2